Is Your Site Being Blocked by the Great Firewall of China?
With the launch of the new Website, Blocked In China, we can now determine which Websites are blocked, meaning banned, in Mainland China.
Facebook Is Not The Only Website Being Blocked In China
According to statistics compiled by Internet World Stats the population of China, excluding Hong Kong and Macao, is over 1 billion 300 million people and of that population 35.7% or 477 million are connected to the Internet. Of the 477 million people regularly using the Internet in China, only 391,000 have Facebook accounts. Why? It's because Facebook is banned by the Chinese government. The Chinese government requires all Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to block Facebook. Access to Facebook is available to Internet users in China only through proxy server software.
For several years there have been a number of sites on the Web that can tell you if your Website is banned (blocked) by the Great Firewall of China. Recently, a new site has been added into the mix that I believe is far superior to all the rest. Satisfy your curiosity by visiting Blocked In China to find out if your Website or any other site you're curious about is currently banned in China.