Google's New What Do You Love Service
A few days ago Google launched a new service called What Do You Love that allows you to compile a page of Google services based on the search term you type into the What Do You Love Web page.

Google's What Do You Love
Sometime within the last week or so Google launched a new service called What Do You Love. The new What Do You Love Google service is a simple Webpage that looks very similar to Google's home page. When you type something into What Do You Love's search box and hit your Enter key, you are presented with a new Webpage with lots of little boxes that looks a lot like an iGoogle page. Each of the little boxes contain information from one of 20 or so of Google services like Maps, Calendar, Google News, etc. that show results in those services for the term you searched for.
Google sort of sneaked this in under the radar. I haven't been able to find any mention of this brand new Google service on any of the Google blogs. I have a feeling that this is something that Google will soon incorporate into Google Plus. Google Plus or Google + is the new social networking project that Google has only just begun to slowly roll out. I'm experimenting with Google + and I plan to write about it in the very near future. And no, I don't have anymore Google + invites to hand out at this time. Sorry.
I don't know how useful this new Google service called What Do You Love is but it's sort of fun to play around with. You can find it at two addresses on the Web. One is at and the other is at So go check it out. If nothing else you might find a Google service that you'd forgotten about or maybe even one you didn't know existed.