Google Dashboard
Google Dashboard can help you to understand how much of your personal information is being stored on Google's servers.

Google Dashboard Shows You How Much You're Sharing With Google
In November of 2009, Google launched Google Dashboard. If you have a Google account, whether you know it or not, since November of 2009 Google has been providing you with a means of determining how personal information you are sharing with them through a very well organized Webpage called Google Dashboard. Google Dashboard can tell you how much of your personal information you are allowing Google to retrieve and store on their servers. It also allows you to change many of your privacy settings for various Google services you may be using like Gmail, Picasa Web Albums, Google Docs, Google Calander as well all of the other google services you may be using. More succinctly, Google Dashboard consolidates all of your Google account information and settings for all of the Google products you use and allows you to view all of them on a single page.
You can access your Google Dashboard by signing in to your Google account and clicking on "settings" at Google's Website at and then selecting "Google Account Settings". If you have an iGoogle page, you can click on "My Account" and get to your Google Dashboard that way. Or you can follow this link to Google Dashboard and once you're there you might want to bookmark it. This link will lead you to your Google Account page where you can select "View data stored with this account" that you will see under "Personal Settings." You can also get to your Dashboard just by simply typing "" into any modern Web browser. No matter how you choose to get there, somewhere along the way Google will ask you for your Google account password because the Dashboard is a very sensitive page with a lot of your personal information stored on it and since most people with Google accounts stay logged into those accounts pretty much 24/7 Google always asks for a password before allowing anyone using your computer to gain access to your Google Dashboard.