Zombies, No Rapture, No Heaven? - A Strange Week on the Web
This has been a strange week on the Web. The Rapture didn't happen (that's not so strange) but the CDC issued a Zombie Alert and the world's premier scientist says that there's no such thing as Heaven. Weird, don't ya think?

The Center for Disease Control Issues Zombie Alert
It's been a strange week on the Web! Wow, are these weird times or what!? Maybe we really are living in the End Days. Or not! On Monday May 16, 2011 the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (the CDC) published an Emergency Preparedness and Response paper on its Website that was titled Preparedness 101: Zombie Apocalypse. And no, I'm not kidding you about this just because this blog post of mine is being put up on the first day after the Rapture was supposed to have happened yesterday May 21, 2011 according to Harold Camping, a California pastor and owner of Family Radio, a religious broadcasting network. Don't know 'bout you but I had my fingers crossed on that one. Yeah right.
But anyway, The CDC, that staid, stiff-collar, US government entity issuing a Zombie Allert last Monday? What's up with that?
Well, O.K. it was a hoax or tongue-in-cheek thing by the CDC. It was a smart move on their part to make us all aware of Emergency Preparedness in general. The CDC figured that we all need to be prepared for catastrophes like earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes and such and well --- you'd need to take the same sort of precautions if you were confronted with a zombie invasion however unlikely that might be. It makes since to stock up on essential stuff because if a natural disaster occurs you're going to need them. And if you call 911 to report a Zombie Attack, you might want to have some emergency supplies of beer and prozac just in case the cops don't drop everything they're doing and race right over.
And wait that's not all. On Sunday May 15, 2011 Stephen Hawking, arguably the most famous scientist alive today, said in an interview with The Guardian that Heaven is "a fairy story" and there is nothing at all beyond the moment when the brain flickers for the final time.
Hawking says no Heaven? CDC warns of Zombie attacks? Millions of people dead wrong about the Rapture? It's been a strange week on the Web.